Frequently Asked Questions
Have a question you can't find the answer to? Don't be afraid to reach out to our contact info or social media accounts!
Is this a shooting range?
Yes, but it is so much more! While the project originated with the main focus of building a truly inclusive shooting range, something that is desperately needed as more and more marginalized people look for firearms education, we quickly realized that having a space that satisfies numerous other purposes was an essential aspect of what we could offer to our communities and the organizations that we partner with.
How do I engage with the Comrade Center?
Education: Our first priority is the education of our communities. Anyone can register for our classes and learn in a welcoming environment. Learn more here.
Membership: As we get closer to opening and having a better understanding of our facilities and volunteer staff, we will announce the details of how to become a member of the Comrade Center. Members will have access to the range and other facilities as we develop them.
Organizing: Any effective organization needs a robust and hard-working organizer body. If you are really passionate about what we are doing here, please reach out to becomes more directly involved in the efforts. If you are already a part of an organization that would like to work with us, we would love to discuss what that partnership would look like.
Can we use this space for our own things?
Once we are operational, any organization that is directly involved with the Comrade Center can schedule time for private events through internal channels. Other groups can submit requests to info@comradecenter.org and they will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the membership.
What's the best way to help out?
Based on our current stage in the process, our biggest pain point is securing the funding to close on a property. If you have the means, a donation would go a long way. Not everyone is lucky enough to have a financial situation that allows donating to the project, so here are some other ways you can contribute to the cause:
Spreading the Message: The more people that know about the Comrade Center, the better we can fulfill our mission. Post on social media, wear merchandise, and talk to people. Explain to friends or family the importance of what we are trying to do and detail how they or their community could benefit from it. Even just boosting our announcement posts on social media goes a long way.
Growing the Coalition: We are always looking to increase the amount of mutual aid groups, parties, and other organizations we partner with. From local food collectives to national organizations, there are endless ways we can help each other succeed. If you organize with a group that you think would mesh well with our mission, reach out! We have a world to win.
Volunteering: Donating your own precious time and energy is the single most important and impactful thing you can do for the Comrade Center. If you'd like to get involved, please reach out to us.